The Executive Summary

Bryce A Taylor MSW RSW, the founder of the community housing projects located in Toronto known as the Sionito Group of Charities, has used this experience base to develop a ‘replicable’ business enterprise and a mission policy model. The framework that has emerged is based on defendable academic premises that guide the operationalization of its outputs. The following are summations extracted from the Sionito Essay, available on request.

The Premises
1) Sionito Exists Within A Tri-sector Society
The first premise of the Sionito Model is that our society is not a ‘private – government’ dichotomy; it is consists of
1) the government public sector,
2) the private business sector and
3) the private non-profit charitable sector.

2) Sionito is a Civil Society Organization
The second premise of the Sionito Model is that the third sector, the private charitable sector, makes a larger than expected contribution to the ‘civility’ of a civil society.

3a) Sionito Affirms Social Capital (Informal Civility)
The third premise of the Sionito Model is that family and friendship relationships on an everyday level of life carry the biggest responsibility for societal civility. Research shows that in terms of economic value, family and friendship supports account for 50% of the value-added services associated with societal healthcare.

3b) Sionito Affirms Social Capital (Formal Civility)
In liberal societies, citizens have independently chosen to train themselves in professions that provide services to their fellow citizens.

4) Sionito Is A Product of Philosophical Liberal Thought
The fourth premise is that liberal societies emerging out of the enlightenment period have held to their promise for greater civility celebrating individual independence, opposing elitist authoritarianism in any of its many forms.

5) Sionito Is An Entrepreneurial Enterprise
The fifth premise is that a progressive civil society will construct the platforms that allow for enterprising freedom expressed as:
1) policy intrapreneurs in government,
2) business entrepreneurs in the marketplace and
3) social entrepreneurs in charitable endeavours.

6) Sionito Personalized Is Independent Life-abilities
The sixth premise is that liberalism at the citizen level translates into the promise of independent life-ability.

7) Sionito ‘Societalized’ Is Housing Centric Social Policy
The seventh premise is that in a liberal society, independent life-ability is the requirement of the societal system; it is not an aspiration nor an option. As properly understood, in a liberal society, housing is the singular focus of all social policy and its implementation.

The Sionito Outcomes Realized

The model focuses on sustainable outcomes. Sustainability is defined as systems that ensure one or all of the following; perpetuity, demonstrable goal achievement and progressive replication.

Outcome 1) Cross Sector Financial Partnerships
Outcome 2) Professional Partnerships for Development
Outcome 3) Professional Partnerships for Operations
Outcome 4) Citizen Based Governance for Development and Operations
Outcome 5) Sustainable Replication
Outcome 6) Sustainable Perpetuity
Outcome 7) Relief of Poverty
Outcome 8) Life-ability Independence
Outcome 9) Aging in Place
Outcome 10) Energy Sustainability
Outcome 11) Energy Generation
Outcome 12) Energy Conservation
Outcome 13) Energy Education
Outcome 14) Air Quality Safety
Outcome 15) Tenant Safety


The Sionito Model holds that a civil society will emerge when an entrepreneurial enterprise exists in all three of its sectors along with a collective social capital that provides meaning and civility. Civil society can be achieved only if all three sectors are working in partnership.